The winter is coming - and so is the time for glögg

Soon it is winter. Winter means christmas, and christmas means glögg. But it has not been like that always. The word "glögg" is originally a swedish word, but glögg has an even longer history.
Glögg is inspired by the french drink brulôt which originates from the 17th century. Brûlot was warm cognac with melted sugar, but later the cognac was replaced with wine and the drink gradually become more similar with todays glögg.
But i was first in the 19th century that glögg became a christmas tradition. Nobody knows exactly how it become a christmas tradition, but at some point some swedish glögg producents branded it as a christimas drink. And I must say the sweet and warm drink definitely suits the christmas really well.
Today glögg comes in many varieties, with or without alcohol. The variety I like the most is the white glögg, which are more fresh than the regular glögg made of red wine.

My favorite white glögg recipe
1 bottle of white wine
2 dl. elderflower cordinal
75 g. cane sugar
50 g. fresh ginger (peeled and cut to small pieces)
1 handful almonds (blanched)
3 cinnamon sticks
5 star anise
15 whole cloves
2 lemons (cut in wedges)
1 dl white rum
1. Put elderflower cordinal, cane sugar, fresh ginger, almonds, cinnamon, star anise, cloves and lemons into a large pot and bring it to boil
2. Let it simmer for 10-15 minutes
3. Pour in the wine and heat until almost boiling (it must not boil)
4. Add the rum
5. Serve it in Crispy Mate
6. Enjoy with friend or family - or with yourself, I promise I won't tell anybody!